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Network Security

Online threats like identity thieves, hackers, computer viruses, spyware and more are becoming more and more prevalent. In today’s online marketplace, protecting your network and data is no longer an option – and if your staff is using the Internet, your business is most certainly at risk. With allCare IT on your side for network security and firewall solutions, you can finally take the worry out of using the Internet and get back to what matters most: running your business!

allCare IT network security features & benefits:


Keep track of employee Internet habits and usage

Threat protection

Ensure spyware, malware, viruses and hackers can’t penetrate your network

Filtering & blocking

Set controls for which sites your employees can and can’t visit

Mobility services

Set up secure Wi-Fi and 3G solutions

Flat fee pricing

Your monthly payment won’t change and includes everything you need to protect your network, along with help desk support when you need it most

See what our clients are saying about our network security services:

“I don’t hesitate to give other companies allCare IT’s number and recommend they call and speak with them. I can’t say enough about their company. Their service reps are great and highly skilled. allCare IT gets the job done!”

Lyn T.

General Manager - Manufacturing Industry

“We have found a true business partner in allCare IT”

“Their level of expertise and professionalism are shown throughout the entire team and the level of knowledge and commitment to service continues to amaze me.”

Peter P.

Vice President - Services Industry