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File Sync and Business Continuity

Data is essential in running your business from tax records to client information. When it’s lost because of an unanticipated natural disaster or even worse, it is stolen, you need to make sure you can recover that data so your business can continue to thrive and grow without losing clients.

Data backup and recovery is the most important service to consider and allCare IT for a variety of needs. We are trained to sell and install this innovation that replaces traditional backups with the elegance of asynchronous mirroring, unifying a smarter backup.

With File Sync and Business Continuity services with us, you will benefit. Here’s how:

Plan for unexpected issues

They happen to everyone, and they can happen at any time. Take preventative measures today.

Safeguard and defend your business

allCare IT protects your data, network, and systems from hacking or virus threats.

Don’t wait long for recovery

When your network does go down and data is lost, we’ll have it back for you in no time.

Regardless of your business size, allCare IT can provide dependable data backup and recovery you need – call today and prevent the unexpected from ruining your company.

See what our clients are saying about our file sync services:

“I don’t hesitate to give other companies allCare IT’s number and recommend they call and speak with them. I can’t say enough about their company. Their service reps are great and highly skilled. allCare IT gets the job done!”

Lyn T.

General Manager - Manufacturing Industry

“We have found a true business partner in allCare IT”

“Their level of expertise and professionalism are shown throughout the entire team and the level of knowledge and commitment to service continues to amaze me.”

Peter P.

Vice President - Services Industry