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ChatGPT: The Six Secrets for Writing Prompts That Deliver!

Published on August 6, 2024

Tired of AI giving you irrelevant responses? Discover the secrets to crafting perfect prompts with our must-read guide on prompt engineering!

AI Tools: Fantastic or Frustrating?

We have firmly entered the age of AI, where tools like ChatGPT can help you write essays, draft emails, and brainstorm creative ideas. But let's be honest— sometimes getting a usable response from AI feels like playing a game of darts where the target keeps moving. You ask, “What’s the best way to bake a cake?” and get a dissertation on the history of flour instead.

Why does this happen? How can you get better results right from the start when using AI tools? In this article, we'll begin to explore the art of prompt engineering (a fancy term for creating AI requests). Whether you need a detailed report, or a gourmet recipe, these tips will help you get responses that are on-topic and truly useful!

Prompt Genie

Be Careful What You Wish for…

Think of communication with a GPT as talking to a genie—your wish is their command, but only if you word it just right. For example, suppose you say to a genie: “I wish for a million bucks!”. Poof! Your neighbourhood is suddenly filled with a million male deer happily nibbling on every patch of green grass. 

What’s the problem here? It’s not the genie… it’s the interpretation of the (somewhat vague) request. So, when it comes to using AI, crafting an accurate prompt is key to getting usable, on target responses.

Understanding Prompt Engineering

  • Definition:
    Prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining your requests to guide AI tools in generating the desired output.
  • Importance:
    Effective prompt engineering enhances the quality and accuracy of AI responses, making AI tools more valuable for various applications, from customer support to content creation.

6 Key Elements of a Quality Prompt

A quality prompt needs to accomplish a number of things. It should define the task, remove ambiguity of concept, narrow the scope of the desired information, and establish the tone and look of the output. We accomplish these goals by including 6 key prompt elements:

  1. TASK
  6. TONE

Let's break down each element and understand its role in effective prompt engineering:

Icon Action1) TASK: Start with an Action Verb

          • Purpose: Define the main action you want the AI to perform.
          • Examples:
            • "Generate a list of the top 10 trends in digital marketing."
            • "Analyze the impact of social media on consumer behavior."
            • "Summarize the key points from the latest tech report."
          • Tip: Begin with a clear action verb to set the AI's focus and intention.


Icon Context2) CONTEXT: Give Just Enough Information

          • Purpose: Provide necessary background to guide the AI in generating relevant responses.
          • Examples:
            • "Summarize the key challenges faced by startups in the tech industry."
            • "Generate a recipe using ingredients typically found in a vegan kitchen."
          • Tip: Balance context to constrain possibilities without overwhelming the AI.


Icon Exemplar3) EXEMPLARS: Use Relevant Examples or Frameworks

          • Purpose: Provide examples or frameworks to improve the quality of output.
          • Examples:
            • "Analyze the marketing strategies of successful brands like Apple and Tesla."
            • "Generate a blog post outline following this structure: Introduction, Main Points, Conclusion."
          • Tip: Use known examples or frameworks to steer the AI towards desired formats or content types.


Icon Persona4) PERSONA: Define Who the AI Should Emulate

          • Purpose: Specify the perspective o voice you want the AI to adopt.
          • Examples:
            • "Explain the concept of quantum computing as if you were a university professor."
            • "Write a product description as if you were creative copywriter."
          • Tip:  Ask yourself who you would want as a consultant for a given assignment and make the persona match.


Icon Format5) FORMAT: Visualize How You Want the Output

          • Purpose: Specify the desired structure or format of the output.
          • Examples:
            • "Write an email with a summary in bullet points."
            • "Generate a dialogue between two characters discussing climate change."
          • Tip: Visualize the final output and describe it to guide the AI in creating the desired structure.


Icon Tone6) TONE: Define the Emotional or Stylistic Feeling

          • Purpose: Set the tone or mood of the output to match your objectives.
          • Examples:
            • "Write an email with a formal tone explaining the new company policy."
            • "Create a social media post with a witty and engaging tone."
          • Tip: Tell the AI the feeling you aim for, such as casual, formal, or optimistic, to align the output with your intentions.


Putting the Elements Together

Now that we have the basic anatomy of a quality prompt note the following example:


Why Your Prompts Might Be Ineffective

Some common mistakes can really hinder the results you receive. The biggest offenders are:

  • Lack of Specificity – prompt doesn't provide clear instructions or context.
  • Ambiguity – prompt uses terms with multiple meanings and no clarification.
  • Unclear Expectations – prompt lacks sufficient information about the desired output.

Let’s see how these problems show up in prompts:


Ineffective Prompt: “Tell me about animals.”

Issue: Lack of Specificity – this prompt is very broad and gives no indication as to the type of information desired. Is it about animal species? Animal behavior? Do you want to know about animal habitats? Conservation efforts?

Improved Prompt: “Tell me about the social behavior of elephants in the wild.”

Why It’s Better: This prompt is specific – naming the animal and zeroing in on social behavior.

Prompt FrustrateEXAMPLE 2

Ineffective Prompt: “What is the best way to get ahead?”

Issue: Ambiguity – “get ahead” could refer to advancing a career, succeeding at school, or even winning a physical race. The context is unclear.

Improved Prompt: “List the most effective strategies to get ahead in a corporate career."   

Why It’s Better: This prompt gives context to the term “get ahead”.


Ineffective Prompt: “Write an article about renewable energy.”

Issue: Unclear Expectations – this prompt does not set the tone, depth, or type of article. Is it a technical report? A blog post? What demographic will read the article? How long should it be?

Improved Prompt: “Write a 500-word persuasive article about the benefits of renewable energy for high school students, using a casual and engaging tone.”

Why It’s Better: This prompt sets clear expectations. It sets the length, target audience, tone and purpose.

Prompt Genie2Become a Prompt Genius

And there you have it—your guide to taming the AI genie! By defining tasks, providing context, and setting clear expectations, you'll transform your AI prompts into darts that strike the bullseye every time. With a bit of practice, you'll be speaking AI fluently and avoiding any surprises, like a yard full of deer.

So, go forth and craft those perfect prompts— whether you're seeking a gourmet recipe or a detailed business report – your AI genie is ready to deliver!